A suggestion that may help you get money to support the game.

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Godsmacker, Apr 4, 2017.

  1. Godsmacker

    Godsmacker Member Founder

    Lottery.. If you make some kind of lottery system where you get something like 1 ticket/card for certain rewards or achievements you can also sell said tickets online store and have a chance of getting some good rewards or something. (Nothing that gives off P2W vibe of course but you know what i mean)
    Dunno if thats something the Dev's would be interested in but I know other games like this have had very good success with lottery systems.
  2. Sebastion93

    Sebastion93 New Member Newbie

    What if they did the lottery, but instead of tickets it was plat? Like everyone donates money and the plat reward is based on how much cash goes in. Then once the winner is picked they get the plat reward.

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