Blank White Screen

Discussion in 'Bugs and Other Issues' started by Laxxed, May 8, 2017.

  1. Laxxed

    Laxxed New Member Newbie

    Tried to log in today. Starts loading in, then the screen goes all white yet the cursor changes to the sword. Anyone else having this issue? The game worked perfectly for me a couple days ago.

  2. Snipe

    Snipe New Member Newbie

    I am having the same issue here. Not sure its due to an update issue with the game. Since the last I logged on was before the Friday update I highly think that it might be the problem. I already tried to validate my game files using steam but the problem still persist. I also don't really want to reinstall the whole game so I hope they fix it soon.
  3. Rhy

    Rhy New Member Newbie

    I had this issue earlier today even though I've been playing for the past 2 weeks. I restarted my PC and it worked just fine. If that doesn't resolve the issue you should try uninstalling and reinstalling, ensuring that you properly install the required game libraries during the first time setup. Reinstalling this game is not a hassle as it only takes about a minute to download and maybe 2 minutes to install.

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